Posted by deus Thu 8th Feb 2007 01:35 - Syntax is ASM (NASM based) - 15 views
Modification of posting from WItekPL Thu 8th Feb 2007 01:24
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  1. cseg segment
  2. assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg, es:cseg
  3. org 100h
  4. start:
  5. jmp program
  6. wypisz_n:
  7.   mov ah,09h
  8.   mov dx, offset napis_n
  9.   int 21h
  10.   ret
  11. wypisz_t:
  12.   mov ah,09h
  13.   mov dx,offset napis_t
  14.   int 21h
  15.   ret
  16. koniec:
  17.   mov ax,4c00h 
  18.   int 21h
  19. program:
  20.   cmp [tak_nie], 1
  21.   jnz zero
  22.   call wypisz_t
  23.   jmp koniec
  24. zero:
  25.   call wypisz_n
  26.   jmp koniec
  28. napis_t db 'Prawda$'
  29. napis_n db 'Falsz$'
  30. tak_nie db 1
  32. cseg ends
  33. end start

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Posted by deus Thu 8th Feb 2007 01:35 - Syntax is ASM (NASM based) - 15 views
Modification of posting from WItekPL Thu 8th Feb 2007 01:24
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