Posted by Anonymous Sat 24th Feb 2007 17:41 - Syntax is None/text - 26 views
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  1. /lostpass /msg $chan $1 $+ To get your IRC nickname password if you've lost it type: /helpop requesting sendpass for nickname. Don't forget to say thank you.
  2. /regnick /msg $chan $1 $+  To register your nick type: /ns register PASSWORD EMAIL
  3. /group /msg $chan $1 $+ To group a nick type: /ns group MainNick MainNick'sPassword
  4. /ident /msg $chan $1 $+  To identify yourself type: /ns identify PASSWORD
  5. /newpass /msg $chan $1 $+  To set a new password type: /ns set PASSWORD NEWPASSWORD
  6. /lang /msg $chan $1 $+  /ns set language INSERTNUMBER - (1) English (2) Français (French) (3) Deutsch (German) (4) Italiano (Italiano) (5) Português (Portuguese) (6) Español (Spanish) (7) Türkçe (Turkish) (8) Catala (Catalan) (9) ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek) (10) Nederlands (Dutch) (11) Ðóññêèé (Russian)
  7. /changeemail /msg $chan $1 $+  To change email type: /ns set EMAIL NEWEMAIL
  8. /greet /msg $chan $1 $+  To set a greet type: /ns set greet GREETHERE
  9. /greetsystem /msg $chan $1 $+ To turn the Greet System on/off, Type /bs set #chan greet on/off
  10. /setkill /msg $chan $1 $+  To set a kill for your nick type: /ns set kill on OR /ns set kill quick
  11. /securenick /msg $chan $1 $+  /ns set secure on
  12. /privatenick /msg $chan $1 $+  /ns set private on
  13. /hideemail /msg $chan $1 $+  To hide your email type: /ns set hide email on
  14. /hidehost /msg $chan $1 $+  /ns set hide usermask on
  15. /hidequit /msg $chan $1 $+  /ns set hide quit on
  16. /msgon /msg $chan $1 $+  /ns set msg on
  17. /privet /msg $chan $1 $+  To Send someone a Private Message [Even if they are not on the channel] type: /msg Nick Message
  18. /dropnick /msg $chan $1 $+  To drop your nick type: /ns drop NICK
  19. /recover /msg $chan $1 $+  To recover your nick type: /ns recover NICK PASSWORD
  20. /release /msg $chan $1 $+  /ns release NICK PASSWORD
  21. /ghostnick /msg $chan $1 $+  To ghost your nick type: /ns ghost NICKNAME PASSWORD
  22. /accessnick /msg $chan  $$1 , To see what channels you have access on type: /ns alist
  23. /groupinfo /msg $chan $1 $+  To see what nicks are grouped type: /ns glist
  24. /infonick /msg $chan $1 $+  /ns info NICKNAME
  25. /logoutnick /msg $chan $1 $+  To logout type: /ns logout
  26. /statusnick /msg $chan $1 $+  /ns status NICKNAME - 0=not registered, 1=online but not IDed, 2=ownser via access list only, 3=IDed as owner of nick
  27. /helpnick /msg $chan $1 $+  /ns help
  28. /changenick /msg $chan $1 $+  To change your nick type /nick NICKNAME
  29. /invites /msg $chan $1 $+  To invite a bot or person to a channel type: /invi

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Posted by Anonymous Sat 24th Feb 2007 17:41 - Syntax is None/text - 26 views
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