Posted by Anonymous Tue 20th Mar 2007 16:44 - Syntax is None/text - 36 views
Modification of posting from cngz Tue 20th Mar 2007 16:31
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  1. cngz@redfox:~$ slune
  2. * Slune * Slune lives in /usr/share/games
  3. * Soya * Using 8 bits stencil buffer
  5. * Soya * version 0.12
  6. * Using OpenGL 1.3 Mesa 6.5.1
  7. *   - renderer : Mesa DRI R300 20060815 AGP 8x TCL
  8. *   - vendor   : Tungsten Graphics, Inc.
  9. *   - maximum number of lights        : 8
  10. *   - maximum number of clip planes   : 6
  11. *   - maximum number of texture units : 8
  12. *   - maximum texture size            : 2048 pixels
  13. * Using OpenAL 1.1
  14. *   - renderer  : Software
  15. *   - vendor    : OpenAL Community
  17. /usr/share/games/slune/ DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xb0' in file /usr/share/games/slune/ on line 34, but no encoding declared; see for details
  18.   import slune.globdef as globdef, slune.character, slune.sound as sound
  19. /usr/share/games/slune/ DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/py2play/ on line 101, but no encoding declared; see for details
  20.   import py2play.action as action, py2play.character as py2play_character
  21. *********************************WARN_ONCE*********************************
  22. File r300_render.c function r300Fallback line 430
  23. Software fallback:ctx->Point.SmoothFlag
  24. ***************************************************************************
  25. Try R300_SPAN_DISABLE_LOCKING env var if this hangs.
  26. *********************************WARN_ONCE*********************************
  27. File r300_state.c function r300Enable line 513
  28. TODO - double side stencil !
  29. ***************************************************************************
  30. Unknown GL_ERROR
  31. Traceback (most recent call last):
  32.   File "/usr/games/slune", line 159, in ?
  33.     slune.gui_gl.MainScreen()
  34.   File "/usr/share/games/slune/", line 594, in MainScreen
  35.     action = gui_idler.idle()
  36.   File "main_loop.pyx", line 109, in _soya.MainLoop.idle
  37.   File "main_loop.pyx", line 158, in _soya.MainLoop.main_loop
  38.   File "/usr/share/games/slune/", line 590, in render
  39.     soya.render()
  40.   File "renderer.pyx", line 424, in _soya.render
  41.   File "renderer.pyx", line 404, in _soya.check_gl_error
  42. _soya.GLError: Unknown GL_Error
  43. * Soya3D * Quit...
  44. cngz@redfox:~$ clear
  45. cngz@redfox:~$ slune
  46. * Slune * Slune lives in /usr/share/games
  47. * Soya * Using 8 bits stencil buffer
  49. * Soya * version 0.12
  50. * Using OpenGL 1.3 Mesa 6.5.1
  51. *   - renderer : Mesa DRI R300 20060815 AGP 8x TCL
  52. *   - vendor   : Tungsten Graphics, Inc.
  53. *   - maximum number of lights        : 8
  54. *   - maximum number of clip planes   : 6
  55. *   - maximum number of texture units : 8
  56. *   - maximum texture size            : 2048 pixels
  57. * Using OpenAL 1.1
  58. *   - renderer  : Software
  59. *   - vendor    : OpenAL Community
  61. /usr/share/games/slune/ DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xb0' in file /usr/share/games/slune/ on line 34, but no encoding declared; see for details
  62.   import slune.globdef as globdef, slune.character, slune.sound as sound
  63. /usr/share/games/slune/ DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/py2play/ on line 101, but no encoding declared; see for details
  64.   import py2play.action as action, py2play.character as py2play_character
  65. *********************************WARN_ONCE*********************************
  66. File r300_render.c function r300Fallback line 430
  67. Software fallback:ctx->Point.SmoothFlag
  68. ***************************************************************************
  69. Try R300_SPAN_DISABLE_LOCKING env var if this hangs.
  70. *********************************WARN_ONCE*********************************
  71. File r300_state.c function r300Enable line 513
  72. TODO - double side stencil !
  73. ***************************************************************************
  74. Unknown GL_ERROR
  75. Traceback (most recent call last):
  76.   File "/usr/games/slune", line 159, in ?
  77.     slune.gui_gl.MainScreen()
  78.   File "/usr/share/games/slune/", line 594, in MainScreen
  79.     action = gui_idler.idle()
  80.   File "main_loop.pyx", line 109, in _soya.MainLoop.idle
  81.   File "main_loop.pyx", line 158, in _soya.MainLoop.main_loop
  82.   File "/usr/share/games/slune/", line 590, in render
  83.     soya.render()
  84.   File "renderer.pyx", line 424, in _soya.render
  85.   File "renderer.pyx", line 404, in _soya.check_gl_error
  86. _soya.GLError: Unknown GL_Error
  87. * Soya3D * Quit...

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The following amendments have been posted:

  1. Anonymous (Tue 20th Mar 2007 16:44)
Posted by Anonymous Tue 20th Mar 2007 16:44 - Syntax is None/text - 36 views
Modification of posting from cngz Tue 20th Mar 2007 16:31
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